
Ben Cahill leder af DTU Skylab Digital. Foto: Peter Aagaard Brixen
22 OCT

DTU opens new digital development laboratory

Digital technologies must be developed based on users’ day-to-day needs, says Ben Cahill, who heads DTU Skylab Digital.

Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development IT systems Software and programming Data analysis
Ben Cahill leder af DTU Skylab Digital. Foto: Peter Aagaard Brixen
22 OCT

DTU åbner nyt laboratorium for digital udvikling

Digitale teknologier skal udvikles med afsæt i brugernes behov i hverdagen, siger leder af det nye DTU Skylab Digital, Ben Cahill.

Innovation and product development Entrepreneurship Robot technology and automation
Learning start-up
24 APR

Ny algoritme gør det lettere at producere videoer til e-læring

Jonas Vollhaase Mikkelsen er studerende på diplomingeniørretningen IT og økonomi og samtidig medstifter af et firma, der hjælper erhvervslivet med at skabe e-læringsvideoer...

IT systems Entrepreneurship
Learning start-up
24 APR

Bachelor of Engineering student brings new life to knowledge

Bachelor of Engineering student, Jonas Vollhaase Mikkelsen brings new life to knowledge, fast and cheap. Jonas has developed an algorithm that makes the automated video...

IT systems Entrepreneurship
11 DEC

Key Danish role in major European innovation alliance

DTU is one of the main architects behind a new large European network aimed at developing the cities and transport solutions of tomorrow.

Mobility Transport economy Transport safety Transport models Energy systems Data analysis IT systems Telecommunication Systems analysis Air pollution Climate adaptation
Photo: All Over Press
08 AUG

It’s all about digitization

The fourth industrial revolution is based on digitization. The sheer number of new, faster and cheaper technologies is making it easier for businesses to digitalize. And...

Robot technology and automation Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Production and management
Illustration: Shutterstock
08 AUG

Before, it was 3D printing: Now Additive Manufacturing is the new black

However, 3D printing is a key technology within Additive Manufacturing, a concept which is attracting the interest of a growing number of companies.

Robot technology and automation Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Production and management
Photo: Shutterstock
08 AUG

Soon hospital beds will take their own baths

Researchers and hospital employees are developing robots that can transport hospital beds to an automatic washing facility without being touched by human hands.

Robot technology and automation Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Production and management
When things, people, machines, robots, and systems are interconnected, the potential for improving productivity is enormous. Photo: Colourbox
08 AUG

The Internet of Things—and machines: Linking machines to machines

Linking industrial machinery, robots, and systems together holds considerable potential. However, it also requires a high level of security to avoid both breakdowns and...

Robot technology and automation Computer calculations Data analysis IT systems Production and management Construction and mechanics
Thorkild Amdi Christensen
07 APR

Dansk produktionsindustri opdateres med MADE Digital

Med projektet MADE Digital kommer DTU til at spille en vigtig rolle når den danske produktionsindustri skal skabe grundlaget for at indføre automatisering i produktionen...

Production and management
31 MAY

Engineers and doctors develop new healthcare technologies

New healthcare technologies are needed to prevent, diagnose and treat the increasing number of cases of disease associated with increases in life expectancies. And this...

Biotechnology and biochemistry Micro and nanotechnology Optics Medicine and medico technology Medical equipment and systems Hospital layout and design Health and diseases Innovation and product development Entrepreneurship
Oi-X winner 2016
29 APR

Tværfaglighed og kreativitet i OiX-finalen

Forårets Oi-X finale fyldte DTU Skylab med studerende fra flere danske universiteter og et stærkt felt af danske erhvervsfolk. Det blev en avanceret løsning udi renhold...

Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development
Photo: Thorkild Christensen
25 APR

The Minister for Higher Education and Science visits DTU’s innovation environments

During her more than two-hour visit to DTU, Ulla Tørnæs managed to become acquainted with both student start-ups at DTU Skylab, new research from DTU Nanotech, and modern...

Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development
Technologist nr. 8 - 2016
08 APR

Nyt Technologist ude nu

Et nyt nummer af DTU’s internationale magasin Technologist er nu på vej ud i hele Europa. Denne gang bl.a. med historien om, hvordan vi kommer til at færdes og leve i verdens...

Transport behaviour Transport economy Mobility Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development Medical equipment and systems Computer calculations Mapping and surveying Biological systems
Technologist no 8, 2016
08 APR

New issue of Technologist out now

The feature story in the new issue of DTU’s international magazine, Technologist, is about how we will be moving around in our big cities in the future.

Transport behaviour Transport economy Mobility Entrepreneurship Innovation and product development Medical equipment and systems Computer calculations Mapping and surveying Biological systems
Foto fra Innovationsfondens hjemmeside
26 FEB

Millionbevilling til renovering af ældre almene boliger

DTU og en række samarbejdspartnere har netop indgået en investeringsaftale med Innovationsfonden på 35 mio. kr. Pengene skal bruges til at renovere almene etageejendomme...

Indoor climate Energy efficiency Innovation and product development
09 NOV

Slut med forurenet drikkevand

Tre tidligere DTU-studerende har udviklet en biosensor, der kan måle bakterieniveauet i vandværkernes ledningsnet i realtid.

Bacteria and microorganisms Water supply Innovation and product development Entrepreneurship Micro and nanotechnology
11 JUL

Stærke personlige forbindelser styrker fælles problemløsning

Nye forskningsresultater fra DTU Compute viser, at man kan forudsige, hvor godt et hold vil klare sig, ud fra hvor stærke forbindelser holdet har. Det har nemlig større...

Information technology Production and management Computer calculations Data analysis Statistics
03 MAY

Stolthed og bifald til årsfest på DTU

To guldmedaljer, to nye æresdoktorer, to priser til bedste underviser. Klapsalverne bragede løs over de stolte prismodtagere og gjorde DTU’s traditionelle årsfest til en...

Work environment Aquaculture Transport models
På billedet ses Jonas Woodrow Hansen, Gari Nickson og Kacper Kawecki. Den sidste deltager i gruppen, Francisco Fernandez, kunne ikke være tilstede ved overrækkelsen. (Foto: Venture Cup)
25 JAN

DTU vinder kategori i Venture Cup sammen med ITU

Torsdag den 24. januar blev vinderne af iværksætterkonkurrencen Venture Cup Idea Competition fundet. DTU-studerende deltog i seks af de 20 finalehold fordelt på alle...

Building production and management Innovation and product development

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